Thursday, September 25, 2014

What an Amazing Find in Rome!

Shops like these are quite hard to come by even in this big, eternal city. I know because I have been scouring Rome for places such as the one I discovered only yesterday:

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Festival for Porcini Mushrooms: Italy you are WONDERFUL!

Welcome to the sagra!
Now that I am free to relax and reflect on the magnitude of delight and joy that follows a magnitude of trepidation, I will try my best to share with you those comedic and lovely moments that make me think, "yes, I could do this all again."

It all began with a wonderful Italian man, Davide, who constantly introduces me to new foods I can't wait to devour again. I mean, foods you love so much that you forget to breathe until your plate is empty and that you gobble up in that messy, dribble-down-the-chin type of manner.

Friday, September 19, 2014

La Vita Bella, Moving to the Eternal City.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 
and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler," 

My lovely lake town Erie, PA.
A few years ago I needed a new adventure. Though there is always part of me that misses the lake town I was raised in, with cottonwoods and sassafras, gorges and waterfalls, inspirational friends and family, I was so curious to see what came after the bend in the path. I was stuck in my routine and longed for an adventure, then I found one. 

Being timid of nearly everything, it always amazes me, looking back, at how when the right adventure starts calling for me, I instantly know and compel myself to jump in with both feet. 

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cuts and scrapes and fabric scraps

This is where i begin.

i received my grandmother's thread case and button bin a few years ago. They sat in my room reminding me of when i used to sit at her kitchen table, arranging the contents by color. She would hum an old tune hovering over the stovetop, while i decided which button was truly my favorite.

There were lots of great things about being a kid, now there are lots of great child-like things about being grown up.